by ProGrade Digital | Nov 2, 2021 | Article, Education, Workflow
What actually is shot composition in film? A quick Google search leads you to numerous websites that define composition in cinematography mainly as follows – a shot composition is an arrangement of visual elements in a camera frame. You probably have also heard...
by ProGrade Digital | Oct 31, 2021 | Article, Education, Workflow
Do I really need a card reader? You’ve completed the shoot, you have the images, now it’s time to transfer them to your computer. Do you sit down and whip out the USB cable? If the answer is yes, then definitely read further! In the good ol’ early...
by ProGrade Digital | Oct 26, 2021 | Article, Education, Workflow
How come it usually results in a catastrophe when an amateur breaks the photography composition rules (accidentally or deliberately), but whenever professionals do it (with the exact same rules), they often get praised for breaking new ground and creating a...
by ProGrade Digital | Oct 22, 2021 | Article, Education, Workflow
Would you like to know a little secret? Something the memory card industry prefers to keep to itself, but we have never been afraid to talk about? Memory cards slow down over time. Not only cheap, consumer-grade cards, but high-quality cards as well. It happens...
by ProGrade Digital | Oct 20, 2021 | ProGrade Digital Memory Cards, Readers, and Software, Videos
Aerial Director Patrick Weir, relies on ProGrade Digital microSD cards to ensure he gets the shot. You can’t have that weak link be your memory card… and ProGrade offers the most reliability in the...